CSCI 1100 PowerPoint Project

Teach us, Sell us, Persuade us...

For Project 6, you will use PowerPoint to create a slide show that you might use to teach/present/sell. The slide-show should contain at least 10 slides and should incorporate clipart, wordart, graphics from the web, a recorded sound of your own, sound from the Web, a scanned image or digital photo, and a video clip. Additional features such as colored text and different font sizes and styles, slide transitions as well as animations should be used (do not use so many slow animations that the show is distracting).

One purpose of this show is to illustrate your expertise in using PowerPoint software. You will present your lesson to the class, with peer evaluators and instructor evaluation. Save a copy to your Zip disk and maintain a backup somewhere. I look forward to seeing your creativity.

You will be graded on:

Due online: Monday, November 14 (presentations Nov. 14, & 16)

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