CSCI 1301 Lab 1

Draw Me a Picture...

For Lab 1, you'll complete the Non-Holiday-Specific Pointy Tree from Exercise P1.3 on page 31 of your text, along with one other drawing. Drawings with text (ASCII) characters are often called "ASCII Art" (see below).

Call the first program, and the second can be anything that you want, as long as you follow these guidelines:

// by Your Name
// CS1301
// Lab #
// Date

Due Thursday, August 25, at the beginning of class. Make sure to save in a folder (if using a USB drive) called cs1301/lab1/, as well as in a folder on your P: drive called P:\web\cs1301\lab1. Programs will be turned in online at the beginning of class.

Example ASCII Art from someone with way too much time on their hands:

     /_.-"`_  _`"-._\     
    /`   / .\/. \   `\    
    |    \__/\__/    |    
  .-\                >/-. 
 /   '._-.__--__.-_.'     \
/ '.    `""""""""`'`\     |
\__)|        '         ,-'|