CSCI 1301 Lab 5

Flashback to Elementary School: The Madlib Assignment

For Lab 5, you'll produce a MadLib program that asks for five words, then shows a brief story using those words in at least seven places (reuse nouns, etc.) - a demo is shown below (in graphical format - the graphics are just extra; all you have to have for now are the JOptionPanes). [Just for fun, change the number you enter in the madlib and see what it does to the drawing.]


At the top of the file, place the following lines of comments:

// by Your Name
// CS1301
// Lab #
// Date

Due Tuesday, October 11, at the beginning of class. Make sure to save in a folder (if using a USB drive) called cs1301/lab5/, as well as in a folder on your P: drive called P:\web\cs1301\lab5. Programs will be turned in online by the beginning of class.