CSCI 1302 Lab 1

You Can Bank on Java

For Lab 1, you'll complete the package we started in class together. Your assignment is to create a main program called BankApp that uses two other classes: Teller & BankAccount. First, the app lets the teller log in with a teller ID, then creates a teller object with that ID. Then, the app should let the teller deposit some money into an account, show the balance, withdraw some, show the balance, then end. Pretty simple, really.

All three classes (BankAccount, Teller, and BankApp) should be in a package (, and should contain the following lines of comments at the top of each file:

// by Your Name
// CS1302
// Lab #
// Date

Use Javadoc comments for all non-application classes, and run Javadoc on, and view the results for, each of the non-application files in the package.

[For optional fun, add a constructor to the BankAccount class that takes an initial balance, and ask the teller for an opening balance.]

Due Wednesday, August 25, at the beginning of class. Make sure to save in a folder (if using a USB drive) called cs1302/bank/. Programs will be turned in online at the beginning of class.