CSCI 1302 Lab 3

Investment Applet

For Lab 3, you'll make use of a class that already exists ( to build an Applet/Application in JBuilder (links from my CS1302 link page to download JBuilder). Your investment calculator should have text fields for the user to enter the investment amount, interest rate, and number of years to invest, then model and run an investment with those entries and show the resulting balance. You can use the example below both as a guideline and to test your figures (although your output label can be just one line with Retirement Balance: $XXX,XXX.XX, if you prefer).

Due Wednesday, September 7, at the beginning of class. Upload your HTML and CLASS files to your P:\web\cs1302\ folder and link to the HTML file from your main cs1302 Home Page. Programs will be due online at the beginning of class (I'll take the first five minutes to help get things linked and transferred correctly.)