Assignment 3
Database Interactivity: User Registration Form

The purpose of this assignment is to interact with a MySQL database through a PHP page. You will create a form that accepts user registrations, checks for a valid email, and emails the user a pre-written email welcoming them to the Spam Newsletter.

  1. In a new folder labeled assign3, create a form that accepts a user's first and last name, username, password, and email address.
  2. Create a database and table to accept user registrations from the form; include a user_id field as a primary key, as well as a registration date field.
  3. Using the sample code from class and from Chapter 6 in the text, have the form interact with the database by inserting a record into a table. The page should only accept valid email addresses (from last week's code), and should email a confirmation welcoming the user to the spam newsletter they've signed up for.
  4. Create a page that lists all registered users by querying the database.

Save the page, upload it to the server, and link to it from your main page.

Options: Check to see if a username exists before inserting to the database, and ask the user to try a different username if so.

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