Assignment 4
Advanced PHP/MySQL: The Employee Database

The purpose of this assignment is to create an advanced PHP/MySQL database interface for a Human Resources application.

Using the foundation we developed in class at (source:, complete a simple administrative database interface for a Human Resources database.

  1. Create a new table called employees with fields for first name, last name, middle initial, ssn, hourly rate, birth date, and hire date (bare basics). Populate the table with at least 7 employees (use names from your favorite TV characters, etc.). You may use phpMyAdmin or Navicat if you wish.
  2. Interface the admin page we started with the new table (change field names, numbers, queries). Do not show SSNs on the main page - only show SSN information on the Edit page (i.e. when the admin is updating a single record). This is an important security concern.
  3. Complete the Add section and code for the Edit section (, source: ).
  4. Complete the Delete functionality, either redux style or with a separate delete.php page. You should be able to delete multiple records using checkboxes by clicking the Delete button. 
  5. For 5 points extra credit, complete a simple search filter so that the administrator can search for an employee's entire record (you may show SSN in the results here) by last name (or partial last name using WHERE and LIKE).
  6. For an additional 5 points, allow the user to search by EITHER last name or ssn in the search filter. 

Due July 7, 2005.

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