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CSCI 1302 Syllabus

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
North Georgia College & State University

Course Number: CSCI 1302 OLA Course Title: Computer Science 2
Prerequisites: Grade C or above in CSCI 1301 Term: Fall Semester 2005
Class Hours: MWThF 8:00 - 8:50 am Location: NOC Lab 208
Instructor: Bryson R. Payne, Ph.D., Assistant Professor Office: NOC 226
Phone: 706-864-1677 E-mail: bpayne@ngcsu.edu  
Web Site: http://www.professorpayne.com/
Office Hours: Posted on Web site listed above.
Also available by appointment as needed.

Catalog Description

This course is a continuation of the topics introduced in CSCI 1301. It extends the discussion of abstract data types and algorithm development to include recursion, sets, pointers, and linked lists. It also covers dynamic data structures such as stacks, queues, and trees.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course students are prepared to apply the Java programming language to solve small to middle-scale problems. The focus will be on Java language constructs. Students will explore object-based programming, object-oriented programming, strings, graphics, graphical user interfaces, exception handling, files and streams.

Required Text

Big Java, Cay Horstmann, 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. 


1. Java How to Program, Deitel & Deitel, 3rd Edition, 1999, Prentice Hall.
2. Java Programming Advanced Topics, Wigglesworth and Lumby, Course Technology, 2000
3. Programming & object-oriented design using Java, Hosch and Nino, John Wiley & Sons .
4. Java Software Solutions, fundamentals of programming, second edition, Lewis and Loftus, Addison Wesley 2000. 
5. The object of Java, introduction to programming using software engineering principles, Addison Wesley Pub. Co., 2002
6. Java, Java, Java, object-oriented problem solving Ralph Morelli, Prentice Hall international 2000

Method of Instruction

Class lecture, transparencies, presentation slides, laboratories, tutorial, Sun Microsystems Java, and class discussion.

Course Content and Tentative Course schedule

Please note the following schedule is tentative. It may be necessary from time to time to change the order of the topics. The course calendar on the Web site will be updated regularly and should be consulted before each class period.

Week #

Subject Description Book Section


Review of object Oriented Programming 6.4, 2.6, & 2.7





Strategy 9.4


Polymorphism 9.3


Event Handling Programming and Mouse events 10.1-10.2


Test1 review & Test1


Creating Buttons and Text Fields 10.3-10.5


Creating Text Area 10.6


Inheritance Hierarchy 11.1-11.4


Converting from Subclasses to Superclasses 11.5


Spring Break


Test 2 Review & Test2 11.6-11.7


Graphical User Interface 12.1-12.4


Two dimensional arrays Chapter 13


Exception Handling Chapter 14


Recursion Chapter 17


Final Exam review & Final Exam




Grading Scale

2 Tests


90% and Above A

Final Exam

20% 80% and Above  B


20% 70% and Above C


30% 60% and Above  D


100% Below 60% F


Examination will be of mixed format, i.e. short answer, true/false, multiple choice, and programming problems. It is strongly recommended to review the Review Exercises section at the end the chapters that we cover.

Lab Requirements

Labs are designed for hands on experience.

Programming Projects

There will be 5 projects each of which worth 6% towards overall course grade. The distribution of grades for each project is given below. You will receive no points for algorithm and documentation of a project unless the project compiles correctly, executes correctly, and produces the desired output.

Project Submission Requirements

* All projects must be prepared individually. Trying to resolve error messages and debugging programs is an essential part of software development. 
* As with industry software development, you have to adhere to coding standards. We will discuss coding guidelines in class.
* Projects consist of four parts: the design part, the test data, the program that includes the documentations, and three sample outputs (two valid and one invalid.) 
* Projects must be submitted beginning of the class on the due date. Any time after that will be considered late. There will be a 10% penalty for each day (24 hours) late submission (including weekends and holidays) until no more points are left.
* In the comments of each class in your program the following labels must be typed:

Course designator (csci 1302)
Project Number (prj1, prj2, etc.)
Submitter name
Due Date
Date Submitted

* Projects will be submitted primarily online. Instructions will be given.

Project Grading
Your project must compile correctly and produce the desired output. Failing to do so you will receive a grade of zero. There is NO PARTIAL GRADING FOR PROJECTS

Supplemental Course Material
The instructor may place course materials on the class web site. Check it often.

General Expectations 

* Unless you are instructed otherwise, computers (the master switch for every workstation) must be turned off during regular class meetings.
* All cellular phones and pagers must be turned off during the class
* There is no exemption for the tests and final exam dates and there is no "EXTRA CREDIT WORK".


* Attendance is compulsory. You are considered responsible for being attentive 
to lectures and class discussions, for taking notes, and for being aware of 
the content of all class announcements. Please take note of the university's 
policy on "Class Attendance" (2004-2006 Undergraduate Bulletin, page 67) 
which is incorporated herein by reference.
* You are allowed only 8 classes (14% of total class meetings) absences before receiving a "WF" grade for the course. Attendance will be taken regularly.
* You have to make reasonable effort to arrive on time for class. Three times late arrival will be counted as one class absence.
* Missing tests should be with prior consent of the instructor; otherwise you will not be eligible for make up of the missed test. The instructor reserves the right to administer, at his convenience, a revised version or to give no test at all. In later case you will receive a "0" for the test. You should expect the revised version to be more difficult than the missed one.

Academic Integrity Policy:

Honor Code: "On my honor, I will not lie, cheat, steal, plagiarize, evade the truth or tolerate those who do."

Suspected violations of the Academic Integrity policy should be referred by students to the instructor. If the instructor concludes that a violation of the Academic Integrity policy has occurred, the instructor will either (1) penalize the student and file an incident report with the Academic Integrity Council or (2) refer the matter directly to the Academic Integrity Council. If an incident report is filed by the instructor, the instructor will review the completed report with the student and will request that the student sign the report as an indication that the student is aware of the contents of the report.

Accommodation for Students with Disabilities:

North Georgia College & State University (NGCSU) is committed to the full inclusion of individuals with disabilities and to the principle of individual rights and responsibilities. To that end, the policies and procedures of NGCSU reasonably ensure that a person with a disability is not, on the basis of that disability, denied full and equal access to and the enjoyment of academic programs and co-curricular activities or otherwise is subjected to discrimination in such programs and activities.

The policies for access by individuals with disabilities at NGCSU are designed to ensure full compliance with all pertinent federal and state legislation, specifically to include Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.

To receive disability accommodations, the student should contact the Coordinator of Disability Resources, Office of Academic Support Programs, Room 207 Barnes Hall. Approval of reasonable accommodations will be made on a case-by-case basis.



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