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Professor Payne's Research Interests

Computer Vision - Automatic, object-based, scene recognition and reconstruction from 2D images and video sequences.

3D Graphics & Visualization - Real-time, realistic 3D interactive graphics and visualizations, as well as general purpose programming on graphics processors.

Image Processing - Developing automated algorithmic approaches to efficiently processing 2D and 3D image sequences for applications from TV/film to medicine to simulations to gaming.

Recent Research:

Publications - Books/Monographs/Chapters (Fall 1995-Present)

• B. R. Payne. Accelerating Scientific Computation in Bioinformatics by Using Graphics Processing Units as Parallel Vector Processors. (Doctoral dissertation, Georgia State University, 2005). Dissertation Abstracts International (UMI No. AAT 3170179, ISBN No. 0542060167).

Proceedings & Proceedings Abstracts (Fall 1995-Present)

• B. R. Payne. “Content Management Systems in the Web Curriculum”, submitted to SIGCSE 2006, Houston, TX. March 1-5, 2006.

• M.A. Hitz and B. R. Payne, “Implementing an XML-Based Device-Independent Scalable Graphical User Interface”, 2005 Mid-Southeast ACM Chapter Fall Conference, Gatlinburg, TN. November 10-11, 2005.

• B. R. Payne. “Using 3D Modeling and Animation to Motivate Geometric Visualization in Elementary Math Students”, 2005 Georgia Mathematics Conference, Rock Eagle, GA. October 19-22, 2005.

• Payne, B.R. “A project-based Web programming course approach for information systems majors”. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the International Business School Computing Association (Savannah, GA, USA, July 24-27, 2005). IBSCA 2005. IBSCA, Bristol, RI, 39-51.

• G. S. Owen, Y. Zhu, J. A. Chastine, and B. R. Payne. "Teaching Programmable Shaders: Lightweight versus Heavyweight Approach," in ACM SIGGRAPH Conference Educators Program. Los Angeles, CA: ACM, 2005.

• B. R. Payne, G. S. Owen, I. T. Weber, “Accelerating Protein Structure Recovery Using Graphics Processing Units” in Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2005), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2005.

• B. R. Payne, S. O. Belkasim, G. S. Owen, M. C. Weeks, and Y. Zhu, "Accelerated 2D & 3D Image Processing on GPUs," in Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling (CGGM'05): Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2005.

• "A Portable, Reusable Framework for Scientific Computing on GPUs," (with G. Scott Owen, Irene Weber, Ying Zhu and Ping Liu), a presentation at ACM SIGGRAPH 2004, The 31st International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Los Angeles, CA, August 8-12, 2004.

• “Accelerating Automated Structure Fitting in Protein Crystallography by Using Programmable Graphics Processors,” (with G. Scott Owen, Irene Weber, Ying Zhu and Ping Liu), a poster presented at The 2nd Georgia State Biotech Symposium, Atlanta, GA, May 24-25, 2004.

Professional Presentations (Presentations Without Proceedings) (Fall 1995–Present)

• “Motivating Geometric Vision in Elementary Math with Computer Graphics”, Georgia Educational Technology Conference (GaETC) 2005. College Park, GA. November 9-11, 2005.

• “Geometric Visualization with Java3D!,” a workshop presented at The Georgia Mathematics Conference, Eatonton, GA, October 14-16, 2004.

• “Bioinformatics Applications of the GPU: Automated Structure Fitting in Protein Crystallography”, Bryson R. Payne, G. Scott Owen, Irene Weber, Ying Zhu, and Ping Liu. A research poster presented at the ACM Workshop on General Purpose Computing on Graphics Processors, Los Angeles, CA, August 7-8, 2004.

• “Accelerated 2-D and 3-D Digital Image Processing on a GPU,” (with G. Scott Owen, Saeid O. Belkasim, and Patrick Flynn), a research poster presented at the ACM Workshop on General Purpose Computing on Graphics Processors, Los Angeles, CA, August 7-8, 2004.

• “Teaching Portfolios 1: Digital Portfolios on the Web,” Invited seminar presentation for NGCSU Faculty Development Advisory Council. April 2001.

• Session Chair, E-commerce Development, "11th Annual Winter Chautauqua", Dalton Trade and Convention Center, March 5, 2001.

• Payne, B. R. (2000, February). Building Educational Web Sites: Using the Internet to Enhance Learning Communities. Invited workshop presentation to faculty of North Georgia College & State University as part of Learning Communities staff development series, North Georgia College & State University, Dahlonega, GA.

• Payne, B. R., Sims, S. B. (2000-2001). Taught more than 30 invited seminar workshop presentations for over 400 participants through the Georgia Appalachian Development Center’s Small Business Outreach program, North Georgia College & State University, Dahlonega, GA. Topics included E-Commerce, Web Development, and Programming.

• Payne, B. R. (2000, January). Teaching Interactive Lessons Using the SMARTBoard. Invited seminar presentation to Mathematics and Computer Science faculty for spring semester staff development, North Georgia College & State University, Dahlonega, GA.

• Payne, B. R. (1999, February). Creating Brochures and Newsletters Using Microsoft Word. Invited workshop presentation for staff development, Duluth Middle School, Duluth, GA.

• Payne, B. R. (1998, September). Using PowerPoint and Microsoft Office in the Classroom. Invited workshop presentation for staff development, Duluth Middle School, Duluth, GA.

Other Publications or Research (Practitioner Publications, Cases, Exercises, Projects, etc.) (Fall 1995-Present)

• Member of Graphics Curriculum Working Group of ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee, August 2005.

• “Using digital portfolios in teacher education,” (interview conducted by Rob Kelly), Online Classroom, vol. 1, page 3, 2001.

Funded Research and Grants (Fall 1995-Present)

• Leaders in Technology Program, awarded $990 in 2005 for computer animation & visualization software.

• Leaders in Technology Program, awarded $3,000 in 2002 for visual production equipment & software.

• Intellectual Capital Partnership Program, awarded $346,000 in August, 2001.

• Intellectual Capital Partnership Program, awarded $495,000 in August, 2000.

Editorial/Reviewer Activities (Journals, Conferences, and Textbooks) (Fall 1995-Present)

• Textbook Reviewer, Starting Out with Java, authored by Tony Gaddis, Scott/Jones Inc., El Granada, CA, 2004.

• Textbook Reviewer, Starting Out with Java, Alternate Edition, authored by Tony Gaddis, Scott/Jones Inc., El Granada, CA, 2004.

Research in Progress (At Present)

• “G-DIP: An API for Digital Image Processing on GPU Hardware”, with G. Scott Owen, Ying Zhu, and Saeid O. Belkasim. For submission to CGGM 2006, Reading, UK, May 28-31, 2006.

• Preparing CS1 Textbook in JavaScript with SVG for review, with Markus A. Hitz.



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©2003 Bryson R. Payne, M.Ed. -